Thursday, February 18, 2010

i have the rearview mirror torn off cause i'm never looking back

Today is one of those days when I am legitimately excited just to be alive. It's not even like I have a good day ahead of planner is actually PACKED with crap I DO NOT want to do today. But I woke up super early to study this morning, had a DELICIOUS pioneer woman cinnamon roll, turned on my favorite acoustic playlist and sat down to read and study and I have just had the best attitude this morning! Some of the songs that came up reminded me of past relationships - the good times, the bad times, and everything in between - and I just...smiled. There have been many a pot hole in my ride in life, but today is the day that I vow not to cuss and scream and have a bad attitude about how they've worn my tires, but instead I have a clear conscience to know that there are bumps in the road for a reason, and I wouldn't take A THING back. One of those boys - we'll call him Andy Davis - once told me that I have a positive outlook on life that is contagious. I envy that boy's outlook of me. But today, I vow to keep that in mind always and strive to make that boy proud and strive to actually keep my attitude the way he sees it. haha! It's just going to be a good day!!! =)....if anyone reads this...which I seriously doubt...if you're out there: I hope your day turns out as fabulous as mine has begun.

Song of the Day? John Mayer 3x5...enjoy the warm fuzzies and endless possibilities!

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